Monday, March 25, 2013

Durham Elder Care - The Effects of Living Alone on Memory

By:  Todd Palmer

Durham Elder Care - Living alone doesn't seem to, in and of itself, cause memory loss; however, many seniors who live independently may experience complications of existing memory loss or, in some cases, declining cognitive function due to limited interaction with others. As such, the home care professionals of Durham, North Carolina, urge you to consider your elderly loved one's memory when deciding whether or not it's time to call upon the services of a senior care provider, whether that means enlisting the assistance of a home care professional or helping your loved one transition to life in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or other such elder care community.

The Physical Dangers Associated with Memory Loss
Forgetting a detail or two here and there is not something that should indicate severe memory loss in your elderly loved one, as such mild forgetfulness is to be expected with age. But it is true that disruptive memory loss can cause a great deal of harm to your senior if they are living alone. Here are some of the ways in which memory loss can end in physical injury for your senior:

  • Forgetting to turn the stove or other appliances off can result in a fire or other potentially dangerous situation.
  • Seniors who have severe memory impairment may tend to wander, and your loved one may end up walking through their neighborhood alone. If they do not remember the layout of their community or city they could easily become lost.
  • Forgetting to eat and take care of personal hygiene can result in malnutrition, infection, and other harmful situations.
Isolation Can Harm Seniors

If your elderly loved one lives alone and does not have regular contact with other people, they may begin to feel isolated and lonely. Cognitive function, part of which is the creation and recollection of memories, can be maintained through engagement with mentally challenging activities, such as games, social situations, etc. As such, seniors who are isolated may find it difficult to access the mental stimulation necessary to keep their memory as strong as possible.

If your elderly loved one lives alone, it might be a good idea to consider the ways in which elder care professionals can assist in creating a safer living environment.

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